Monday 23 April 2012


Those of you out there who take the trouble to read my ravings & rantings will have noticed that for some time I haven't posted anything.
Its true. But I have mitigating circumstances: I am ill.... Well, its a dose of 'flu, & I feel like shite. Think I caught it on the plane flying back from Belfast the other week following the funeral of Kate's mom who sadly passed away. Paracetamol and the odd glass of Jameson's Irish whiskey help keep my spirits up & the symptoms under control, but I don't feel too much like posting at the mo', so I'll keep things to a minimum for now.
I'll be back ASAP!.

1 comment:

  1. please send my condolences to Kate and I am hoping that by the time you read this that your flu as FLOWN!! :)
